As per the typical stereotyped white guy, I like IPA's! The hoppier the betterier!
What kind of booze do you imbibe?
As per the typical stereotyped white guy, I like IPA's! The hoppier the betterier!
What kind of booze do you imbibe?
Another fucking Yinzer swearing by Yuengling and Rolling Rock. Crap!!! You left out IC Light.
As an offside, I have found fucking fingernails twice in IC Light over the years.
Let's go Pens!
Imperial stouts are something I can do on a cold, rainy night, but it just isn't my daily drinker.
IPA's aren't for everyone, and indeed I could agree that a lot of them aren't even beer. Dark lagers are my second favorite, and if I'm honest they are probably more of a beer than anything else.
Yuengling is my favorite. I detest IPAs, I just don't like them. If I don't get Yuengling then I usually get Rolling Rock. Sometimes, if I can find it, I'll get Old Rasputin.
As for other booze, I like Wild Turkey 101 and Maker's Mark. I'll drink just about anything but Jagermeister.