As per the typical stereotyped white guy, I like IPA's! The hoppier the betterier!
What kind of booze do you imbibe?
As per the typical stereotyped white guy, I like IPA's! The hoppier the betterier!
What kind of booze do you imbibe?
Imperial stouts are something I can do on a cold, rainy night, but it just isn't my daily drinker.
IPA's aren't for everyone, and indeed I could agree that a lot of them aren't even beer. Dark lagers are my second favorite, and if I'm honest they are probably more of a beer than anything else.
Yuengling is my favorite. I detest IPAs, I just don't like them. If I don't get Yuengling then I usually get Rolling Rock. Sometimes, if I can find it, I'll get Old Rasputin.
As for other booze, I like Wild Turkey 101 and Maker's Mark. I'll drink just about anything but Jagermeister.