We're well into the point where just about everybody is seeing the effects of the spread of this disease. How's this affecting you and your social or family circles?

I might re-play this discussion in a couple weeks to a month. This is going to change over time and I expected society to change as a whole over this event.

We're well into the point where just about everybody is seeing the effects of the spread of this disease. How's this affecting you and your social or family circles? I might re-play this discussion in a couple weeks to a month. This is going to change over time and I expected society to change as a whole over this event.


[–] E-werd [OP] 8 points (+8|-0)
  • At work, we have supply problems with ordering electronics (Samsung tablets) for our students. I've had to source them from a different supplier, pay more, and get a lesser quality warranty.

  • I have a family member who is set to go to the arctic for the next few months, scheduled to leave in a couple weeks. He was supposed to be home (here) for a week or two after he moved back from where he's been living. He's planning on moving to Finland after this trip, so there's some affairs to take care of. Because of the pandemic, and his vessel being owned by another country in Europe, he now had to fly there (via DC and Istanbul) to be tested now for the virus. Keep in mind that Europe is well more affected than the US and has an infinitely greater chance of getting it there, but they insist the test be done there. He will be tested again in 2 weeks before he leaves. Meanwhile, his specially-trained pilots that would be taking him up north have become sick to the virus, possibly jeopardizing the trip.

  • My daughter's school closed pre-emptively for Monday as of yesterday in order to plan going forward. We received a phone survey with 2 questions last night: 1) Do you have an internet connection at home? 2) Do you have a computer that could be used to complete assignments? So, they're clearly thinking about going the cyber-school route that many other districts are moving towards right now.

  • My daughter's dance competition for this weekend has been cancelled. I'm sure there will be other cancellations in the coming weeks as well.

  • Toilet paper is almost entirely unavailable, I'm glad we've got a bidet. We still use toilet paper, but only for drying off. We don't see a need to be stocking up, but the panic-buying is incredible.

  • The XFL has cancelled the season, having just completed the 5th week of 10. The NHL has suspended the season. Sports are done.

This is just the start. I'm sure there will be more to come.

[–] Dii_Casses 2 points (+2|-0)

Toilet paper is almost entirely unavailable, I'm glad we've got a bidet.

Ah right, time to take another look at that. What model did you have, again?

[–] E-werd [OP] 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

This is the exact model I have had for about 3 years now: https://www.amazon.com/Luxe-Bidet-Neo-120-Non-Electric/dp/B00A0RHSJO/

It was $58 last night, $50 today. It was $35 when I got it. It was about $40-45 a week or two back. Prices are whack.

EDIT: Important detail: ease it on, don't just slam it. You'll find the right pressure, but the wrong one is all the way. You're not ready for that yet.