cue the smartasses with the pollen allergy.

I mean the outofthewayfoods/serious allergy.

Just interested in seeing if others were as dumb as I was as a teen.

cue the smartasses with the pollen allergy. I mean the outofthewayfoods/serious allergy. Just interested in seeing if others were as dumb as I was as a teen.


[–] jobes 5 points (+5|-0)

I was isolated from touching cats pretty much my entire life somehow, so I ended up getting a cat. He is a Bengal mutt, very hypoallergenic, no issue. So I had this great idea to foster another cat for a rescue shelter. Keep kitty company while I'm at work, right?

Holy fuckles, I don't know how to explain what it feels like to break out in hives over your entire body. Something about that cat's saliva got on my hands and got over my entire body, penis included, and everywhere had hive breakouts. I thought it was some form of herpes-leprocacy since I just banged a random girl the night before. She was visiting from the Philippines (I have a lot of flip friends) so I told my doctor that I thought I got malaria via sex because I didn't know what else could be so uncomfortable and I was just with an island Asian girl.

Turns out I have a severe allergy to specific cats. I now have two cats that I have no problems with, but most any other cat I touch is hive central

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0)

This comment was wild from start to finish.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

I could have written that differently and not mention cats off the bat. That would have made it a better story probably