cue the smartasses with the pollen allergy.

I mean the outofthewayfoods/serious allergy.

Just interested in seeing if others were as dumb as I was as a teen.

cue the smartasses with the pollen allergy. I mean the outofthewayfoods/serious allergy. Just interested in seeing if others were as dumb as I was as a teen.


[–] OeeThaGreat 0 points (+0|-0)

This all happened between the ages of 1 and 4, I don't even remember it. But I highly doubt my near constant bronchitis and cold like symptoms were fake. Plus, neither of my parents are wackadoodles.

[–] oddjob 1 points (+1|-0)

Sometimes with Munchausen syndrome by proxy, the symptoms are induced instead of lied about. But with it being a short(ish) period and not having any other abusive signs from your parents, it probably wasn't MSBP. Glad you got better before you could really remember being miserable.