I personally detest the modern scientific thought-frame that its just "a clump of cells". That terminology seems Orwellian to me, and is a slippery slope to quickly dehumanize the subject.

I'm in favor of a choice to abort in special circumstances such as rape or mental defects, but then again that simply opens the door to more loosely defined slopes. Its like...where do we draw the line? Its either 100% yes or 100% no.

I personally detest the modern scientific thought-frame that its just "a clump of cells". That terminology seems Orwellian to me, and is a slippery slope to quickly dehumanize the subject. I'm in favor of a choice to abort in special circumstances such as rape or mental defects, but then again that simply opens the door to more loosely defined slopes. Its like...where do we draw the line? Its either 100% yes or 100% no.


[–] nomad_goat 0 points (+1|-1)

The heart starts beating at 20 to 22 days. Thats when life starts. After that you're committing murder.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

unless I am talking about my uterus, its not my place to have an opinion.

its a sensitive topic, and its nobodies business besides the pregnant woman, and her health care professional.

I guess you could say I'm pro-choice.

[–] MirrorMan 1 points (+1|-0)

I have the same stance towards abortion as heroin. It should be legal, but I'm 100% against it and associating with anyone who does it barring the common exceptions like rape and birth defects.

I'd like to hear your opinions on why heroin should be legal.

[–] MirrorMan 2 points (+2|-0)

Personal responsibility would make for a worse society, but I don't prioritize outcomes over responsibility. I'd rather suffer the consequences of freedom over the consequences of restriction.

[–] Mattvision 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

I think the point of no return should be after there's some kind of brain activity, which is usually 5-6 weeks. Before that, it would be more like pulling the plug on someone who's braindead than it is infanticide. I would also say that it's justified to prevent the child from being born with a life-long illness like downs-syndrome, or especially something more severe that we wouldn't be able to treat.

However, no matter what we think people are going to be morally flexible about this. Same thing with eating meat. Morally, most of the animals we eat do have some form of sentience and killing them is pretty much definitely murder, however, fuck you I don't care I want my steak. People are going to apply the same mindset to abortion, and I personally think anyone who claims one is murder but the other isn't is a hypocrite. The life of a fetus can be dismissed easily for the same reasons as the life of a cow or a pig or a lamb, as well as defended for the same reasons. It is essentially the same argument, really.

What I look forward to, in both cases, is when slaughtering animals and killing fetuses does not become necessary to produce meat or terminate a pregnancy. Lab-grown meat will be a common thing in our lifetimes, as will artificial wombs. Once these are more common, it'll probably be easier for people to accept the blatant and needless immorality of abortion or eating meat, since there are now perfectly moral alternatives that provide the same result.

[–] KillBill 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

as will artificial wombs

But will they really be artificial? I've read the whole Dune series.

[–] xyzzy 5 points (+5|-0)

I'm conflicted, on one side I support it because it kills babies but on the other I dislike it because it gives women a choice.

[–] pmyb2 2 points (+2|-0)

My stance is, early term okay, I don't agree with it so I won't participate with it. However I don't think its my right to make that choice for other people, however once the fetus can survive outside the womb(which is earlier than most seem to think) then absolutely not. Period, its no different than murder at that point.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

It's complicated. I get how some people believe it is a right and there are definitely cases where it is necessary, but most of the people for it are just not up front about the consequences of having an abortion - the mental and emotional trauma, the damage done to the female's reproduction system, what is done with the baby afterwards (butchered and sold for scrap).

I've never really been against it assuming it's done under the 2-3 month mark, but it's really disturbing if you look at it from an eugenics standpoint. What is it, 51% of all black babies in the US are aborted? Over 21 million white babies have been aborted since the 70s? Talk about a severe demographic shift to dwindle the American population and replace it with immigrants, where many of the poorer immigrants have more kids in order to receive more government benefits. That is what disturbs me the most about abortion.

It bites me that a lot of people who support abortions don't really think about these eugenic consequences, whether they are intentional or not. 21 million babies in roughly 50 years, that is a damned tragedy. Couple that with the rapid influx of immigrants who are encouraged by the system to reproduce as much as possible and voila!

Genocide, but we did it to ourselves.

I read things about black markets dealing in fetuses and infant parts, and it sickens me. I don't want to take a hard-line stance against abortion across the board, because I've been there...done that...and I have nobody else to blame except myself for not being in a situation where I was prepared to support something I created. I hate myself for allowing it to happen, but at the same time I know we are in an easier place in life because it happened. I treat sex with respect now, because that is a damned force of nature you're playing with.

[–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0)

Being honest with ourselves as a species, there is no shortage of humans. There are way too many. We are dependent on perpetually increasing exponential growth because we've built our institutions as ponzi schemes. The answer isn't to fill the earth with billions more humans but to achieve a sustainable population level. We will all then have a high quality of life.

[–] [Deleted] 4 points (+4|-0)

Do you have any religious convictions?

[–] sidewalker_Principle [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

No, at least I don't think so. Being raised christian all I ever did was question the church from the top down : Steeple to People. It seemed fake, orchestrated.

That doesn't mean I've become an atheist or an agnostic. I do truly want to believe in a creator, I just fail to see the truth written by another human.

The case here with abortion is the grey area of "is" and "isn't". Either it is alive or it isn't. I don't like how people think they have a perfect formula for exactly when that clump of cells becomes living. I don't view the world that way. I think everything in the universe is living and a real part of an organic structure. I don't see a separation between me and the earth I stand upon.

My worldview is heavily influenced by some occult thinking, especially animism. I never take it 100% at face value, that is dumb, but I do resonate with some of the older esoteric teachings.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 3 points (+3|-0)

I always thought it was a thing I would face when I got to it and that everyone needed to have the right to decide that for themselves. Then came along New York, Virginia wanting to allow abortions right up to the moment of birth.

This isn't about the age old arguments. This is straight up infanticide. It's pure evil.

It should, except for few specific reasons, be completely banned. It's not about anything they sold it as so it doesn't get to exist as far as I'm concerned.

[–] Butler_crosley 8 points (+8|-0)

I'm for abortion and have seen the price the mother (and rest of the family) pays mentally afterwards. My wife and I were faced with the decision to end a pregnancy due to medical complications with the baby and we have both paid the price mentally for ending it early. The child would've suffered immensely duing her life even if she survived childhood and would've never been able to experience a great quality of life. Sadly the condition isn't able to be diagnosed until around 20 weeks and in most states 24 weeks is the cutoff for abortions. It was the hardest decision we have ever faced as a couple (and for me personally) and one we didn't make lightly. The majority of women who decide to abort don't make the decision lightly as a "oops I got pregnant and don't want to be" scenario like many pro-life people claim. It was the right decision for us but we still remember the child we didn't have.

I wouldn't wish the situation on anyone but I fully support the option to have one being legal.

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