Looks pretty clear at this point it was a hoax. Though not 100% sure yet, but ya pretty sure, fake.

Sure smells like libtard false flag.

Maybe some isolated GOP retard, but unlikely.

Who you betting on?

Looks pretty clear at this point it was a hoax. Though not 100% sure yet, but ya pretty sure, fake. Sure smells like libtard false flag. Maybe some isolated GOP retard, but unlikely. Who you betting on?


[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)
[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

This is a quote from the FB!.

Though we are still analyzing the devices in our laboratory, these are not hoax devices.”

Do you have alternative facts?

Show me a direct quote stating that any were functional.

Putting 'energetic' material in a plastic tube, does not a bomb make.

Apparently they said the Soros 'device' was real, but they conveniently destroyed that evidence, so we'll never know.

[–] chmod 1 points (+1|-0)

Wyle E. Coyote. The only things missing were an Acme logo and some bird seed.

[–] seanking2919 -1 points (+0|-1) Edited

Yeah. Just saw that the bomb and powder delivered to CNN were harmless. Don't honestly know who the hell did this. Maybe it was Dems planning this false flag scheme behind the scenes. But who knows until we all know.

[–] Butler_crosley 0 points (+0|-0)

Bernie Sanders supporter still bitter about 2016 but didn't have the guts or didn't have the know how to send a live bomb.

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+3|-1)

It's statistically likely to be right-wing extremists.

[–] PhuksMulder 0 points (+0|-0)

What's this data your basing your "statistics" on? Oh right, you're just pulling nonsense out your ass.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

The Global Terrorism Database at The University of Maryland.

[–] PhuksMulder -1 points (+0|-1) Edited

Islam which always votes left in western countries for the most part is suddenly on the right? lol


Considering the package to Soros was hand delivered and NY is a blue state I could say it's statistically more likely to be a liberal.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Show me the numbers. With a right wing extremist, at least one, probably more, would have detonated. This just doesn't look right to me. Just like the guy saying Trump made it okay to fondle women.

[–] Kannibal 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

well of course it has to be a hoax because it would be so awful it it were true.

and no self respecting post office employee would set aside a suspicious package instead of stamping it and sending it on it's way

never mind the packages just look weird.

no republican could be that stupid, right?

[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0)

In most circumstances I'd be on the fence with something like this. But I'm relatively convinced this is some false-flaggary. Here's my thinking:

1) Midterms are around the corner.

2) Photos of a live explosive device seem to have hit the internet before the police even arrived.

3) 8 failed detonations

4) Mostly cliche targets with no real power. These weren't sent to Fienstein or Booker, they were sent to a couple retired politicians with book deals. In other words, these are targets of spite rather than targets of function.

5) The conjunction of points 3 & 4 lead me to think a detonation was never intended. I believe further investigation of the devices will show that they were real bombs, but were not configured to actually explode.

If I had to profile our "bomber," its either the most incompetent fox news-watching cliche republican terrorist of all time, or someone on the left who wants to play to the radical left's stereotype of the cliche republican.

When the radical right gets angry, you get people like Ted Kaczynski and Timothy McVeigh. This new bomber is not one of those.

[–] pembo210 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

I missed most of the day and I'm still catching up, but within 3 seconds of seeing that pic, it felt fake.

It was so small, barely 6 inches, wires in two directions(I've seen dozens of blasting caps and rocket igniters, always two wires together), the stamps not cancelled, how overall clean the package was, and the fact that Jimmy opened mail not addressed to him in the mail room then took two photos on the way out the door then tweeted them, and the other pics of the other ones.

The last package bomber, they didn't show anything until a month later. Pictures being released and not being ordered to be taken down immediately by the FBI tells me that it was fake.

edit: guessing it was a dumb kid trying to be an activist or Jim Acosta himself