[–] KillBill 5 points (+5|-0)

I'm grateful to be alive. Considering there are times in the distant past I seriously considered killing myself I think that's pretty good.

I've actually been trying to say out loud something I'm grateful for every day. At first it was very hard but I have to choose between multiple things now. I have forgotten to do it lately, I'm grateful for the reminder. I heard about it from a famous footballer here in Australia who said it was part of an exercise that helped him overcome depression. I think I beat that black dog off years ago, but I have still found it is a huge help.

[–] registereduser 1 points (+1|-0)

You should read about 'select agents'.

[–] KillBill 0 points (+0|-0)

I'll do that but I'm trying to stay away from as much processed and man-made shit as possible. I've even started eating some of the local weeds after reading some of your posts a while back.