I'm curious why the pic is still there somewhere even though the source is gone... is a thumbnail saved on the forum?

I'm curious why the pic is still there somewhere even though the source is gone... is a thumbnail saved on the forum?


[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

there are however memes that you could at the least read the text and understand the principal of the post. I agree that for most subs it doesn't seem worth the trouble. But you can zoom in and read the memes in most cases... I guess all for all it isn't worth it... best bet would be to choose an image host that wont go belly up like imgur... though they do delete posts

[–] E-werd 2 points (+2|-0)

I haven't had an issue with imgur. I've made sure to make my posts private and share the images directly on Phuks, or wherever else I post it. I know for sure it's been some copyrighted content.