Mine: I don't have to, nor want to, put up with other people's shit. Your problems aren't mine. Your emergency is not even remotely my problem.

Mine: I don't have to, nor want to, put up with other people's shit. Your problems aren't mine. Your emergency is not even remotely my problem.


[–] DKeere 3 points (+3|-0)

Expression of emotions is healthy and beneficial in a measured and reasonable manner. Basically, don't be a robot, but keep your emotions in check.

Love or passion can go a long way to motivate someone, but don't let it consume you. The same with anger or fear. I think it is very important to examine why you have a certain feeling and determine the rationality of its effect on you as you make decisions.

I get angry frequently, but rarely act out of anger. I sit myself down somewhere, usually pulling weeds, and have an internal dialog about what the root cause of my anger is. Once I've found it, I go to work on the cause, rather than my emotional reaction to it. Some things I work out pretty quickly, others I've been going back and examining for years.