Mine: I don't have to, nor want to, put up with other people's shit. Your problems aren't mine. Your emergency is not even remotely my problem.

Mine: I don't have to, nor want to, put up with other people's shit. Your problems aren't mine. Your emergency is not even remotely my problem.


[–] PhuksNewfag 0 points (+0|-0)

I am right or I am wrong. And so are you. Want to change my mind? Debate me and present evidence, not arguments.

What about abstract things and things were evidence cannot be reasonably provided for?

For example ironically this very topic might fall in this category and so how do you know that your assumptions about the motivations and intentions of other people are right?

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

If you're discussing, that's fine. If you're arguing about something abstract or subjective (as opposed to debating),, then you might have a bit of a personal problem, getting all heated over something which you cannot ask for permission to be right about.

As far as other people, I prefer not to make assumptions but if someone tells me something about what they're like or what they'll do, I'll take them at their word. If they say they'll do something less than reasonable, I will 100% take them at their word and treat them as someone untrustworthy. If they say they'll do something reasonable and they do not, then they are a liar and not worth of consideration in the future. I mean, it's not too difficult.