Mine: I don't have to, nor want to, put up with other people's shit. Your problems aren't mine. Your emergency is not even remotely my problem.

Mine: I don't have to, nor want to, put up with other people's shit. Your problems aren't mine. Your emergency is not even remotely my problem.


[–] keebyjeeby 10 points (+10|-0)

That no matter how much you love someone, you will always get over them and find someone else you love just as much in a different way.

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0)

...who hurt you?

[–] keebyjeeby 2 points (+2|-0)

Ah, I was left broken hearted after my first relationship broke up due to her infidelity. I thought I would never recover, but I did, and went on to have some of the most incredible relationships with the most amazing women. None of them were replaceable, but each was wonderful in their own way.

I disagree.
That's usually true, but not always.

[–] keebyjeeby 3 points (+3|-0)

What I meant to say was that you can always find someone else you love just as much. The only reason not to is you.

That's what I thought you meant, but I don't see that as true for all.
Specifically I was thinking of a woman I know, who is remarried now, but lost her first husband to an accident. We talked about it one, she did love again, but never to the same degree.