[–] Owlchemy 0 points (+0|-0)

I had about every computer too since an Atari 400, but sadly, kept none. But great museum concept. The one I wish I still had was my Commodore SX-64, like a mini-laptop before laptops with a small color monitor. SX-64. The control cable between the computer and keyboard broke ... I tried to repair to no avail ... and at the time couldn't find a replacement. I was moving and made one of those fateful decision just to toss it. I miss that old guy - LOL

[–] Justintoxicated 2 points (+2|-0)

A museum dedicated to genius cons and scams, for example: The Yellow Kid Andrew Weil https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Weil Or some of the genius but playful cons of PT Barnum.

Or a museum dedicated to turn of the century Pro-wrestling

[–] simone [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

That would be interesting. There are a lot of great con artists to showcase.

[–] [Deleted] 2 points (+2|-0)

Human bodies that have been stuffed and taxidermied. The hall of mishaps and apprentices would be my baby.

I'd just need to build the structure. I already have the content in storage.

Almost every computer and game console I've owned. Starts with an Atari 400. Includes highlights like the original pacman, dig-dug, and space invaders carts. A Turbographics 16, an IBM XT, 286, 386, a Nintendo Virtual Boy (I had 3d way before it was cool :). And a tonn of other stuff.

The only thing I didn't keep was my c64. It didn't survive. After numerous home repairs it decided to go out in a blaze.

[–] simone [OP] 4 points (+4|-0)

You'd allow visitors to play on these devices or is it display only?

Good question. I'd love to make them available to play, but I wouldn't trust the public.
Maybe have emulators beside the original systems on display.

[–] pembo210 5 points (+5|-0)

I'd visit this. I have a bunch of old modems, original zip drive, and a 1x cd burner, that was like $800 at the time, that I would totally donate

I've got a 1x cd-burner in one of the systems also. I paid about the same, but profited so much off it that I burned out the first one from use but didn't care.
Selling CDs was very lucrative, especially once modchips for game systems came out.

[–] xyzzy 2 points (+2|-0)

I've got a 1x CD reader I could donate. I didn't use it much recently.

[–] pembo210 7 points (+7|-0)

Ancient cultures and how they relate to the stars. I like space and love that so many people before us built entire civilizations around aligning stuff to the stars. I would have a dozen different rooms with huge models of the cities as they were with the constellations overlayed or projected on top.

[–] Owlchemy 4 points (+4|-0)

Good one! As you can probably tell by the stuff I post, I'm into that kinda stuff, too. Space and ancient civilizations stuff ... always fascinating stuff.

[–] simone [OP] 4 points (+4|-0)

Interesting idea! I'd get a yearly membership to this museum.

[–] Owlchemy 5 points (+5|-0)

Easy for me. I'm a gun guy, so it would be collector arms kinda thing, old guns and armaments, like my armsandarmour sub on Voat. I thought about making the same sub here for collector arms, but Phuks is still small enough it doesn't need that when I can post to /s/guns and /s/history subs for now.