I'd just need to build the structure. I already have the content in storage.

Almost every computer and game console I've owned. Starts with an Atari 400. Includes highlights like the original pacman, dig-dug, and space invaders carts. A Turbographics 16, an IBM XT, 286, 386, a Nintendo Virtual Boy (I had 3d way before it was cool :). And a tonn of other stuff.

The only thing I didn't keep was my c64. It didn't survive. After numerous home repairs it decided to go out in a blaze.

[–] simone [OP] 4 points (+4|-0)

You'd allow visitors to play on these devices or is it display only?

Good question. I'd love to make them available to play, but I wouldn't trust the public.
Maybe have emulators beside the original systems on display.