My main complaint is that he is orange. Really my only complaint. He looks pretty normal in person though.

My main complaint is that he is orange. Really my only complaint. He looks pretty normal in person though.


He lacks the class that I prefer a state leader to have. To some extent, that's also his appeal though. It gives the impression that he believes what he says.

[–] TheRedArmy 3 points (+3|-0)

To some extent, that's also his appeal though. It gives the impression that he believes what he says.

This is honestly his biggest upside. You don't have to think too hard to know how he actually feels about stuff.

The class factor is also a big downside, though. I actually like a fair few of the foreign policies he wants to push - the Jerusalem capital thing and the hard-line stances on Iran and North Korea - I think the basic policy is a good one. I like that he is not afraid to call out the despostic and tyrannical countries that exist in the world for their despotism. I like the way our ambassador to the UN has been talking at assembly. I have many more problems with the domestic policy, but it's not like it's all bad.

The problem is that no one has stolen his phone from him yet, and he has no tact at all. You could easily have the same stances and policies, but with a composure and class that brings with it an air of dignity, that also makes the things he says more serious and substantiative in its own way. You don't need to resort to petty insults (Rocket Man), get into fucking Twitter arguments about who's nuke-cock is bigger, or have "Fake News Awards" either.

I briefly mentioned domestic policy, and while his general theme is lower taxes and smaller government (which I like), I doubt that he'll be effective at it. The tax cut was very good, and I suspect he will end up - like basically all modern presidents - contributing more to the debt, and increasing spending rather than helping that problem. Also, I don't care for the border wall or his general policy on immigration, since I believe in human freedom on a global scale. I think restricting immigration while you have a welfare state is reasonable, as well as being more thorough about individuals from known terrorist countries, but I'm pretty sure he wants to limit immigration as a value and not a practical matter, so I can't agree with that.

[–] PMYA 3 points (+3|-0)

In relation to the phone, I would actually be very interested to find out what kind of phone he uses. I find it hard to believe that he has a secure phone similar to the ones previous presidents have used if he is using it to tweet. His requests for foreign leaders to call him on his mobile instead of through the White House was also kind of sketchy.

[–] jidlaph 3 points (+3|-0)

You could easily have the same stances and policies, but with a composure and class that brings with it an air of dignity, that also makes the things he says more serious and substantiative in its own way.

One man's air of dignity is another man's air of politician. The 'dignified' tone has become too tarnished, and it will be years before the unwashed masses accept it again.

[–] TheRedArmy 3 points (+3|-0)

One man's air of dignity is another man's air of politician. The 'dignified' tone has become too tarnished, and it will be years before the unwashed masses accept it again.

This isn't entirely incorrect. But I think you could speak in a plain and straight-forward style, and that would be enough to separate yourself from the rank-and-file "elite class" without resorting to being somewhat petty and vulgar.