Politically I'm liberal.
Personally I'm probably a conservative.
Politically I'm liberal.
Personally I'm probably a conservative.
I'm also not sure what the difference is.
I mean if you support legalising drugs politically, do you do drugs personally? Things like that.
if you support legalising drugs politically
do you do drugs personally?
Oh yeah.
I'm a fairly transparent person. I practice what I preach. I guess that's why I wasn't sure if I understood the question.
I'm also not sure what the difference is. My political opinions stem from my personal ones, so I see them as the same.
And like most people, while I choose the label that I am closest to resembling, I am actually a blend of different, and sometimes contradictory, ideas.
I think of myself as a pragmatic-liberal.
I value liberal ideas. However I accept that many of them rely on the false belief that mankind is naturally good, or at least neutral. So I place a strong emphasis on personal freedoms, rights, and the ability to do our own thing, even if contrary to accepted norms.