[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

lsd vs shrooms is an extremely personal preference which is really hard to describe to someone who has tried neither. i prefer lsd because i find its trips to be generally happier and goofier while mushrooms, especially in higher doses, tends to be a heavier trip and kinda requires one to be outdoors which isn't very convenient for use in a city. however, shrooms definitely feels like a more natural, earthy trip whereas lsd feels less so (though it feels significantly more natural imo than salvia, mdma, or dmt).

if you are going to try psychedelics make sure your set and setting are in a good place. your mindset should be relaxed and ready. nervousness and butterflies in the stomach are normal but fear is not a good place to start a trip from. your setting should be similar, have people around that you are completely comfortable with and be in a place that you are comfortable being in in an altered state. some people like having someone around who is not on drugs to watch over them, i prefer to have a shared experience with everybody involved but that's a matter of personal preference.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)
[–] ashekchum 1 points (+1|-0)

Well yep defiantly low char limit on it.

Maybe someday...

Thanks for sharing, I should defiantly meditate more before thinking of attempting something like that, maybe try lucid dreaming again. Either way (drugs v no drugs) I should do that.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

i've done some lucid dreaming and i've done plenty of meditating, neither will get you (or got me, at least) anywhere near prepared for a trip. you are either prepared to pack you bags or you aren't. i hope someday you'll join us but its not like tripping is the end all be all of philosophical thought, just a fun branch to explore.