i've done some lucid dreaming and i've done plenty of meditating, neither will get you (or got me, at least) anywhere near prepared for a trip. you are either prepared to pack you bags or you aren't. i hope someday you'll join us but its not like tripping is the end all be all of philosophical thought, just a fun branch to explore.
i've done some lucid dreaming and i've done plenty of meditating, neither will get you (or got me, at least) anywhere near prepared for a trip. you are either prepared to pack you bags or you aren't. [i hope someday you'll join us](https://youtu.be/VOgFZfRVaww) but its not like tripping is the end all be all of philosophical thought, just a fun branch to explore.
Well yep defiantly low char limit on it.
Maybe someday...
Thanks for sharing, I should defiantly meditate more before thinking of attempting something like that, maybe try lucid dreaming again. Either way (drugs v no drugs) I should do that.