Why do many political issues seem to divide along urban and rural lines?

Does the urban and rural generalized mindset highlight an innate desire for complexity and simplicity, respectively?

Does degree of socialization or interpersonal trust play a role?

Could the urban vs rural divide be a manifestation of collectivist and individualist leanings a la East vs West?

Does urbanity shield from harsh realities (fragility of food production, for example) that make ruralites more risk averse?

Why do many political issues seem to divide along urban and rural lines? Does the urban and rural generalized mindset highlight an innate desire for complexity and simplicity, respectively? Does degree of socialization or interpersonal trust play a role? Could the urban vs rural divide be a manifestation of collectivist and individualist leanings a la East vs West? Does urbanity shield from harsh realities (fragility of food production, for example) that make ruralites more risk averse?


[–] phoxy [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

Maybe urban vs rural is not a real divide or is just a stereotype. I can't find anything relevant on Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy or the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy except from Adam Smith, and America is much more urbanized now.

I found a paper on urbanization in africa and social implications which seems relevant.