[–] pembo210 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

Tough.. I'm more the opposite. Things that are socially accepted that shouldn't be.

Like knocking on my door then expecting me to invite you in. You interrupted me.. Same with phone calls. You are disturbing me, dont act like I'm rude when I say I'll have to call you back in a few minutes when I'm done doing something.

edit: the only thing i can really think of is driving under or at the speed limit. Sometimes I'm not in a hurry and enjoy the break. People beep their horns or sometimes people riding with me will rip on me for driving like a grandma.

[–] PMYA 2 points (+2|-0)

knocking on my door then expecting me to invite you in

Get a dog.

I don't really care about what's socially acceptable or not unless it has a negative effect on a person or a group, because then there is a reason for it not being socially acceptable.