[–] xyzzy 5 points (+6|-1)

Assisted suicide.

What limits, if any, do you think should be imposed on that? For example, if an elderly person kept alive on machines should be allowed assisted suicide, should a middle-aged person with no family be allowed the same?

What about a drug addict?

[–] xyzzy 3 points (+3|-0)

What limits, if any, do you think should be imposed on that?

I don't have an idea for all eventualities, but basically I'd limit only parents with kids not able to sustain themselves.

For example, if an elderly person kept alive on machines should be allowed assisted suicide

They should

should a middle-aged person with no family be allowed the same?


What about a drug addict?

Yes, but they'd have to be sober when agreeing.

What disturbs me most is people who try to kill themselves because of chronic pain or something and fail. Then they end up in a worse condition and face years of pain.

[–] Nadeshda 0 points (+0|-0)

Geez that’s rough. People should accept their lot in life with grace. It just sounds like a cop out to me but I on the other hand believe my ticket is up when it’s up and I dont even want to be guilty of murdering myself.

Each to their own though.

More wine? lol