it's making me really hard uncomfortable. who is our HR delegate, I have a complaint. (unrelated)

it's making me really ~~hard~~ uncomfortable. who is our HR delegate, I have a complaint. (unrelated)


[–] LittleAnnelise 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm sorry you don't understand how lactation works. Perhaps if you could find a woman to ask, one who wouldn't flee from you on sight, or maybe check wiki?

[–] blattvision [OP] verified 0 points (+0|-0)

sorry, so sorry. this really won't work out between us. I don't date cows

[–] LittleAnnelise 0 points (+0|-0)

Since you're no bull, that should boost your performance ratings, too.

[–] blattvision [OP] verified 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

plz get the idea out of your head that I'm your bull, I don't feel that our intense passionate love affair should go public just yet.

be quiet now, I would hate to ruin your pretty face with a gag