Obviously I'd have to cauterize it so it doesn't lose blood. How long would it stay hard after I cut it off?

I need something to throw at my mom because she said the grocery store is out of the Tyson brand tendies

Obviously I'd have to cauterize it so it doesn't lose blood. How long would it stay hard after I cut it off? I need something to throw at my mom because she said the grocery store is out of the Tyson brand tendies

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[–] [Deleted] Most updated flairs 2022 2 points (+2|-0)

To keep it erect you would need to cut off your hand as well.

[–] Mattvision [OP] Tryin to make a change :/ 2 points (+2|-0)

Damn this is gonna be more work than I thought. My mom hasn't even taught me how to use the sewing machine yet!