Never in my life did I think I would be the one to make a post like this. I'm just

Gonna throw it out there and see what happens when you

Give into the ridiculous standards of this site.

You gotta ask yourself if that's how it should be.

Up until now I've been okay with it.

Never again will I be fooled.

Gonna try a new approach when interacting on here.

Let the users decide if it's worth while or not.

You have the power to upvote or

Down vote this. The shit posts will

Never stop. Were all

Gonna have to come togeth to combat it. Some users would like to

Run this site into the ground.

Around a year ago was a big change.

And although they try to help they often

Hurt the community.

You decide.

Never in my life did I think I would be the one to make a post like this. I'm just Gonna throw it out there and see what happens when you Give into the ridiculous standards of this site. You gotta ask yourself if that's how it should be. Up until now I've been okay with it. Never again will I be fooled. Gonna try a new approach when interacting on here. Let the users decide if it's worth while or not. You have the power to upvote or Down vote this. The shit posts will Never stop. Were all Gonna have to come togeth to combat it. Some users would like to Run this site into the ground. Around a year ago was a big change. And although they try to help they often Hurt the community. You decide.


Aww, did I hurt someone's fee fees?

Perhaps if you just read the first word of each paragraph, my intentions will become clearer.