So gravity is the theory that we are all being pushed towards the Earth's center. In the globe model this doesn't even make sense, because if that were the case we'd all be sucked into the Atlantic ocean, specifically right here

In the flat model, of course, this would mean we'd all be getting sucked into the North Pole, which is a more logical position, but still, it's not the case.

What's actually going on is different. We are technically being pushed, but not towards the North Pole, and certainly not by Isaac Newton (how did gravity work before he invented it? Globers never have an explanation). We are being pushed down by God, by what I like to call God forces, or G-Forces.

You see, humans once tried building a tower that would be so massive it could reach all the way into heaven. God obviously couldn't allow this, so he smashed the building and changed all our languages. But most importantly, he introduced the G-force, which is constantly pushing things into the ground, so we can't build towers like that anymore.

Birds are immune because they are the holy spirit, and buildings can still be made a few stories up, but that's it. Space travel, skyscrapers, and airplanes shouldn't be possible, because the G-forces will always be too intense for them to get that high. This leads us to believe that they are actually holograms, similar to the moon, meant to confuse you. If you've ever been in a skyscraper or an airplane, you were really just in a 5 story building with intricate optical illusions outside the windows. The same goes for airplanes, which are really just busses and boats.

So gravity is the theory that we are all being pushed towards the Earth's center. In the globe model this doesn't even make sense, because if that were the case we'd all be sucked into the Atlantic ocean, specifically [right here](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-c32bb9d87d567e624bb1a45fed95d59a) In the flat model, of course, this would mean we'd all be getting sucked into the North Pole, which is a more logical position, but still, it's not the case. What's actually going on is different. We are technically being pushed, but not towards the North Pole, and certainly not by Isaac Newton (how did gravity work before he invented it? Globers never have an explanation). We are being pushed down by God, by what I like to call God forces, or G-Forces. You see, humans once tried building a tower that would be so massive it could reach all the way into heaven. God obviously couldn't allow this, so he smashed the building and changed all our languages. But most importantly, he introduced the G-force, which is constantly pushing things into the ground, so we can't build towers like that anymore. Birds are immune because they are the holy spirit, and buildings can still be made a few stories up, but that's it. Space travel, skyscrapers, and airplanes shouldn't be possible, because the G-forces will always be too intense for them to get that high. This leads us to believe that they are actually holograms, similar to the moon, meant to confuse you. If you've ever been in a skyscraper or an airplane, you were really just in a 5 story building with intricate optical illusions outside the windows. The same goes for airplanes, which are really just busses and boats.


[–] jobes Sexiest human on Phuks 5 points (+5|-0)

If the earth is flat, then how do you explain the shock documentary "Journey to the Center of the Earth"? You say you love science yet you immediately dismiss this masterpiece of investigative science! You're a hypocrite!

[–] Mattvision [OP] Tryin to make a change :/ 2 points (+2|-0)

They admitted that movie was fake. God killed all the dinosaurs during the flood, so none of that even could have been possible.

Use your head before you fall for these things!

[–] PMYA 🎂 Today's my birthday 🎂 2 points (+2|-0)

Earth's middle is not real you fucking idiot. It's a fantasy world originating from lord of the rings.

Please educate yourself before you spew your pseudoscience bullshit on this sub. We have standards here.

[–] jobes Sexiest human on Phuks 1 points (+1|-0)

Look, I've never seen a woman's boobs sag to lat/long 0,0,0. There is fuckery about. I know, that part makes no sense. Matt's just says all boobs go magnetically down. Does that make sense? No. The magnetic poles on flat earth still flip. The only logical explanation of why boobs sag in the same direction worldwide must mean a spherical world

[–] Mattvision [OP] Tryin to make a change :/ 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

Interestingly enough, it's actually possible that the North Pole may not be affected by the G-forces, or at least that's where they'd be at their weakest, so the almighty can evenly distribute them. Kind of like the eye of a hurricane. This is what I like to refer to as 'The G-Spot', which may be our best chance for achieving true aviation in our lifetime.

Boy I love science!

[–] [Deleted] Most updated flairs 2022 2 points (+2|-0)

The G-Spot is a ridiculous myth. After extensive research I've never managed to find it.