[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0)

i cant believe this. this is really unacceptable behavior for an admin. i mean, being absent for months on end is one thing but cat-hate is just a red line. lets start a change.org petition to have pembo removed from office.

[–] Mattvision [OP] Tryin to make a change :/ 1 points (+1|-0)

This is an artistic rendering of what happened.

I was out late with Pembo one night, IRL shitposting as usual, when all of a sudden, unprovoked, he sees a black kid holding a kitten and just loses his shit.

He goes up to the black kid and starts screaming a bunch of slurs that I'm pretty sure only apply to Asians, and then he yanks the poor cat out of the kids arms and throws it. He throws it so hard that it goes into the sun.

The poor kid is just sitting there crying, he just got a new kitty and he named it muffins, but mean evil racist cat-hating pembo decided NO! NO CATS FOR BLAX!

He then embarked on a rampage of bigoted violence against all cats and black people in the city. Black cats were treated especially horribly. I pleaded with him to stop what he was doing and come to his senses, but he was having none of it.

@pembo210 is an irredeemable monster. Nothing you say to him can make him stop hurting innocent cats or hate black people any less. It's simply within his nature.

[–] PMYA 🎂 Today's my birthday 🎂 2 points (+2|-0)

"I was out late with Pembo one night" ... "He throws it so hard that it goes into the sun"


[–] Mattvision [OP] Tryin to make a change :/ 1 points (+1|-0)

So you're saying you deny the gruesome murder of Muffins the cat? How dare you, sir!

[–] PMYA 🎂 Today's my birthday 🎂 1 points (+1|-0)

The sun ceases to exist on the physical plane at 8PM EST, everyone knows that.