After the obvious pathetic whining for phuks @pmya displayed in this post earlier this week, (like an old fucking geezer) , I've decided to take a stance, draw a line in the sand and strike back against this lazy whoring for attention before the whole of phuks.co turns into a den of wankers!!!

Now I was never the real doxxing kind; but as my reasoning below will deliver undeniable proof that I'm on to @pmya and know his location. So instead of releasing his nude pics and, safe us all that truly embarrassing moment, I decided to retaliate at his constant whining and general low quality shitposting in a proper matter: I'm holding a fundraiser so we can hire a party bus which will be parked in @pmya's street on a daily/ weekly basis. I will take song playlist from anyone who donates and our my aim is to eventually park this bus 24/7 in front of @pmya's house!

Of course this noble cause can't be fought without your donations so please give all you can spare by using this link!.

TLDR how i doxxed @pmya:

I decided to use the power of bundled weaponized autism on this video material posted by @pmya earlier this weak. At first i decided to start my lead on the architecture of the housing structures, this narrowed the search to a possible 5 areas within Europe; rural Albania, the Molenbeek neighborhood in Brussels, Eastern-Ukraine/Donetsk, a refugee camp in north-eastern Greece or the northern UK.

Looking at the obvious, very poor state of the parked automobiles in the footage, we again can clearly see we have to deal with an especially impoverished area. So I decided to scrap the two highest economic areas from the list, leaving us with Rural Albania, a refugee camp in north-eastern Greece or the northern UK.

As there clearly is a lack of general public raping going on in the streets we can narrow the search down to just two; Rural Albania or the Northern UK.

At this point I was hitting a wall in my investigation as it would be hard to get any more leads, then I noticed the "man walking his dog" in the upper left of the footage. At first this seems "just a friendly neighbor walking his dog" but if you close in on the footage you can clearly see that this is nothing other then a Nazi! taking his obviously racist dog out for a friendly walk... at this point the location could only be Northern UK.....

Using the length of the shadows in the footage and triangular calculating them with the shit quality of the video footage, I managed to pinpoint his exact location Using Google street-view to look at the fronts-sides of the houses delivered some horrid but undeniable truth that I actually found the whining bastard creeping behind his curtains in his troll's den!

After the obvious pathetic whining for phuks @pmya displayed in [this post](https://phuks.co/s/Whatever/30394) earlier this week, (like an old fucking geezer) , I've decided to take a stance, draw a line in the sand and strike back against this lazy whoring for attention before the whole of phuks.co turns into a den of wankers!!! Now I was never the real doxxing kind; but as my reasoning below will deliver undeniable proof that I'm on to @pmya and know his location. So instead of releasing his nude pics and, safe us all that truly embarrassing moment, I decided to retaliate at his constant whining and general low quality shitposting in a proper matter: I'm holding a fundraiser so we can hire a party bus which will be parked in @pmya's street on a daily/ weekly basis. I will take song playlist from anyone who donates and our my aim is to eventually park this bus 24/7 in front of @pmya's house! Of course this noble cause can't be fought without your donations so please give all you can spare by using **[this link!](https://www.muslimaid.org/donate/)**. TLDR how i doxxed @pmya: I decided to use the power of bundled weaponized autism on this [video material](https://my.mixtape.moe/gflgls.mp4) posted by @pmya earlier this weak. At first i decided to start my lead on the architecture of the housing structures, this narrowed the search to a possible 5 areas within Europe; rural Albania, the Molenbeek neighborhood in Brussels, Eastern-Ukraine/Donetsk, a refugee camp in north-eastern Greece or the northern UK. Looking at the obvious, very poor state of the parked automobiles in the footage, we again can clearly see we have to deal with an especially impoverished area. So I decided to scrap the two highest economic areas from the list, leaving us with Rural Albania, a refugee camp in north-eastern Greece or the northern UK. As there clearly is a lack of general public raping going on in the streets we can narrow the search down to just two; Rural Albania or the Northern UK. At this point I was hitting a wall in my investigation as it would be hard to get any more leads, then I noticed the "man walking his dog" in the upper left of the footage. At first this seems "just a friendly neighbor walking his dog" but if you close in on the footage you can clearly see that this is [ nothing other then a Nazi!](http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2013/12/29/article-2530436-1A53EE1700000578-991_634x875.jpg) taking his [obviously racist dog](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lfmi0Q5EqPE) out for a friendly walk... at this point the location could only be Northern UK..... Using the length of the shadows in the footage and triangular calculating them with the shit quality of the video footage, I managed to [pinpoint his exact location](https://www.google.com/maps/@60.2656579,-1.4102931,1120m/data=!3m1!1e3) Using Google street-view to look at the fronts-sides of the houses delivered some horrid but undeniable truth that I actually found the whining [bastard creeping behind his curtains in his troll's den!](https://i2.wp.com/ghostsnghouls.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/ghost_on_camera2.jpg?resize=350%2C200)


[–] Boukert [OP] LovesCock 1 points (+1|-0)

Well yeah but that's dependable if you are either doing a day or a nightshift at the docks

[–] jobes Sexiest human on Phuks 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

I can see what you see not—

Vision milky, then eyes rot.

When you turn, they will be gone,

Whispering their hidden song.

Then you see what cannot be—

Shadows move where light should be.

Out of darkness, out of mind,

Cast down into the god damned docks looking for fucking tranny whores.

[–] Boukert [OP] LovesCock 1 points (+1|-0)

The shitposting warrior poet ladies and gentlemen. There still is no doubt in my mind that you are the one and only "chosen one" to lead HR into the vanguard!

[–] jobes Sexiest human on Phuks 1 points (+1|-0)

I didn't choose to be our savior, I just became our savior.