As I understand it, there’s four key reasons why one would want to leave the EU, especially from a perspective of a liberal. First, the EU is a profoundly undemocratic and extractive institution. I’ll go on to demonstrate why the structure of the EU makes it impossible to reform and as such the only option we have is to leave it. Second, the EU is broadly a protectionist organisation and as such it’s impossible for me to personally support it. Third, the fact that there are very few restrictions that we can place on immigration is simply unconscionable. Even though I personally support immigration (as long as they’re white) I don’t like the fact that the EU stops us from imposing restrictions on it. Finally, I want parliamentary sovereignty over our own country. I would not be against being in the EU, but for the fact that we cannot impose our own laws and as such this is my key reason. Finally, the people voted for Brexit, and Brexit means Brexit and we must make a success of it. The will of the people cannot be denied.

As I understand it, as told to me by Dan Hannan (praise his name), the EU consists of two bodies. First, the EU parliament which consists mostly of people like Nick Clegg, ie absolute wetties who won’t stand up for Britain on the global stage, and then the unelected Eurocrats who actually run everything. I despise that in the extreme, they seem to be controlling our country from afar. They are unelected and unaccountable, and I despise that we have subjected ourselves to (((them))). Ahem.

This has two key implications. First of all, this means that even though we have lots of MEPs we cannot control the EU parliament which means we don’t have sovereignty and that’s a very bad thing because sovereignty is good and only UNELECTED Eurocrats disagree with it. Furthermore, this means that we have very little input into all of the trade deals that the UNELECTED Eurocrats SIGN with OTHER COUNTRIES. Also, all of this indecision means that trade deals get signed really slowly, which means that trade deals are slow and we’re MISSING OUT on the FREE TRADE because of the UNELECTED Eurocrats. This means that the European parliament is bad – though it’s not all bad, because Nigel Farage regularly SLAMS EUROCRATS within it. I enjoy watching these videos and commenting on them under my username “BrexitKnight02”.

Second of all, technocracy is bad because it STIFLES parliamentary SOVEREIGNTY which stops us from being able to make our own laws, and this means mostly that UNELECTED Eurocrats can make our laws for us, and so that means that they force their cultural marxism on us in the form of laws. Miss Thatcher, bless her name, managed to get a rebate for us but that doesn’t apply to LAWS created by UNELECTED Eurocrats which is stifled anyway by mountains of RED TAPE.

We know that extractive institutions are ones where they are UNELECTED and therefore BAD because the WILL OF THE PEOPLE cannot be expressed. The BRITISH PEOPLE have no input into the RED TAPE of the laws that are FORCED UPON us by EUROCRATS. Therefore, we must leave the EU and restore our SOVEREIGNTY.

I’ve already discussed this above, but the EU is fundamentally composed of bodies which are UNELECTED and as such changing such technocratic governance is impossible. This wouldn’t be so bad if it was nice British technocracy like the house of lords, with clever people in it. We should put Nigel Farage in the House of Lords. I think that he would SPEAK TRUTH to the REMOANERS there. The House of Lords also doesn’t have very many brown people in it. Make of that what you will. The EU was also incredibly DISMISSIVE of David Cameron when he came to renegotiate the TREATIES that made up the JOINING when the people were DUPED by LIARS into joining this profoundly undemocratic institution. This shows us that the UK will not get a GOOD deal when it joined and it cannot accept Schengen because that means that we would have to accept the Euro being foisted upon us. Furthermore, we accepted the Lisbon Treaty with NO referendum, which means that the voice of the PEOPLE cannot be heard and we CANNOT KNOW if they would have accepted it, because the WILL of the PEOPLE was denied. This shows us that we cannot trust the government to stop the EUROCRATS FORCING laws upon us. Multiple INFLUENTIAL figures have said that the goal of the EU in its end is FULL union, creating a UNITED states oF EurOPE. This would entail a loss of sovereignty so total and final we could never take back the FREEDOM from the EU and it would be akin to creating an EUSSR.

The EU is fundamentally a SELFISH organisation, and therefore it restricts trade deals to WITHIN the UNION, forcing COUNTRIES THAT WANT TO MAKE THEIR OWN TRADE DEALS TO ACCEPT arbitrary REGULATIONS with it – and also DROWN them in red tape, because they have to negotiate with ALL 27 OF the EU countries, which means that it is very slow, because the EUROCRATS are only concerned with their OWN welfare and are OUT OF TOUCH with the concerns of ORDINARY British PEOPLE. It is OBVIOUS that if we had to negotiate with ONLY ONE country then the RED TAPE wouldn’t exist, and we would have exactly the same amount of bargaining POWER without the EU, because they would need us far more than we needed them, which would give us a STRONG HAND in negotiating with other countries. Our FREEDOM to negotiate trade deals is SORELY limited with the EUROCRATS at the helm, and not our OWN parliament.

Therefore, we cannot allow this PROFOUNDLY UNDEMOCRATIC and PROTECTIONIST organisation which is run by the VERY experts the BRITISH PEOPLE are TIRED OF to continue to control all the affairs within the country. It is ABSURD that UNELECTED Eurocrats in Belgium control the UK. We didn’t WIN world war TWO by ourselves for this. The Belgians should have fought harder if they wanted to control US like THIS. We must LIBERATE ourselves from these TECHNOCRATIC shackles.

WITHOUT the EU we would be able to negotiate GOOD deals with other countries without control from BRUSSELS and therefore we would be able to TRADE with all the other countries that we cannot while we’re in the UNDEMOCRATIC EU. The imposition of TARIFFS from Brussels hurts us, and we must absolutely do our utmost to avoid it, which we can only do by TAKING BACK CONTROL. We ABSOLUTELY MUST be able to CONTROL our OWN affairs.

The EU also stops us from imposing controls on IMMIGRANTS coming into this country. I absolutely have nothing against migrants who come to this country legally and WORK for the BENEFIT of NATIVE british people, but unfortunately the vast majority of migrants who COME INTO THIS COUNTRY under the EU DO NOT WORK and leach off of HARD working BRITS. As well as this, the sheer number of immigrants who come into this country is unsustainable. One cannot both have the NHS and so many immigrants coming into the country, especially when it is already stretched to breaking point by SCROUNGERS who refuse to work and just take the taxes of REGULAR PEOPLE. We need to LEAVE and take back control and give the 350 MILLION to the NHS, so it can cope with the INFLUX of immigrants coming into this country. Once again, I’m absolutely not racist.

As well as this, I know that I’ve ranted about this a lot before, but the EU stops the DEMOCRATICALLY elected parliament from exercising CONTROL over the country and so it stops the WILL OF THE PEOPLE being obeyed. This is bad because it promotes racist ideas and so people vote for insane parties like the BNP. I, as a classic liberal stand against and deplore all racism, and so we need to show the people who are economically anxious because they have been deprived of their jobs by immigrants undercutting them that the PARLIAMENT has complete and total control over the country, not some unelected EUROCRATS in BRUSSELS controlling the country from outside it. This is PROFOUNDLY undemocratic. I happily campaigned for and voted Leave because I feel that the ORDINARY people of this country are SICK AND TIRED of this LYING by politicians to us over the matter of the EU, and we must end this now before it gets worse and integration becomes closer and closer until eventually the EU and UK are RULED by Brussels.

When David CAMERON decided to call the referendum, he made a statement to the british people, a promise. He broke a lot of his promises in the past, but this is one that cannot be denied. He said that he, to the British people, would offer a referendum, in or out. Since the referendum, which WE won by the SWEEPING margin of 2%, giving us the DEMOCRATIC mandate he, and other UNPATRIOTIC Remoaners like him have gone back on their promises. They have tried to weasel out of their PROMISES that the BRITISH people voted for.

I therefore call upon every freedom and democracy loving person of this Earth to take a stand against the Remoaners of the world. We are in the majority, and the voice of the PEOPLE was expressed RESOUNDINGLY on the day on which we gained our INDEPENDENCE from the EU. We must demonstrate that we are DIFFERENT from the UNELECTED technocrats in Brussels who IGNORE the WILL of the PEOPLE. Holding a second referendum, like REMOANERS suggest would be a perversion of the WILL OF THE PEOPLE of the highest order, and we absolutely MUST NOT stand for it. We must RESPECT the VOICE of the people and we absolutely cannot ignore it. Whether you agree with the referendum result or not, you ABSOLUTELY MUST come forward to support this BEAUTIFUL country in getting THE BEST DEAL possible – and we will. We will walk up to the GATES of Europe, and say “Mr Barnier, we demand that you give us tariff free access to the EU. We must LEAVE the single market as DEMANDED by the PEOPLE and we must make a clean break of it. The EU needs us more than we NEED it, and so they will not hesitate.

The Remoaners who talk the country down will fall away in dismay and shame for ever doubting the POWER of this great country. President Trump will make us FRONT OF THE QUEUE for a NEW DEAL with American that will be bigger and better than ever before and anything that we could have reached within the STIFLING confines of EU RED TAPE. Whatever your political leanings, you must join together in giving DAVID DAVIS the MANDATE and the STRONG HAND that he needs to get the BEST DEAL for this country. Now is the time to RESPECT the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, which CANNOT be denied through another referendum or another parliament vote. It cannot be denied through a namby-pamby soft brexit, we must make a clean break with the EU. We must act and we must do it now. Article 50 will free us from the EU and bring us into the bright sunlit uplands of the great beyond.

In summary, we absolutely must leave the technocrat-dominated and ruled council of the EU, we absolutely must leave the PROTECTIONIST and RED TAPE INDUCING Single Market, we absolutely MUST leave the customs union, which is entirely useless, we absolutely MUST get the best deal for the people, we absolutely MUST NOT be like the UNPATRIOTIC remoaners who talk the country down. We must leave the EU, and we must do it yesterday. It is absolutely imperative and cannot be put off for any longer. This state of affairs MUST end.

As I understand it, there’s four key reasons why one would want to leave the EU, especially from a perspective of a liberal. First, the EU is a profoundly undemocratic and extractive institution. I’ll go on to demonstrate why the structure of the EU makes it impossible to reform and as such the only option we have is to leave it. Second, the EU is broadly a protectionist organisation and as such it’s impossible for me to personally support it. Third, the fact that there are very few restrictions that we can place on immigration is simply unconscionable. Even though I personally support immigration (as long as they’re white) I don’t like the fact that the EU stops us from imposing restrictions on it. Finally, I want parliamentary sovereignty over our own country. I would not be against being in the EU, but for the fact that we cannot impose our own laws and as such this is my key reason. Finally, the people voted for Brexit, and Brexit means Brexit and we must make a success of it. The will of the people cannot be denied. As I understand it, as told to me by Dan Hannan (praise his name), the EU consists of two bodies. First, the EU parliament which consists mostly of people like Nick Clegg, ie absolute wetties who won’t stand up for Britain on the global stage, and then the unelected Eurocrats who actually run everything. I despise that in the extreme, they seem to be controlling our country from afar. They are unelected and unaccountable, and I despise that we have subjected ourselves to (((them))). Ahem. This has two key implications. First of all, this means that even though we have lots of MEPs we cannot control the EU parliament which means we don’t have sovereignty and that’s a very bad thing because sovereignty is good and only UNELECTED Eurocrats disagree with it. Furthermore, this means that we have very little input into all of the trade deals that the UNELECTED Eurocrats SIGN with OTHER COUNTRIES. Also, all of this indecision means that trade deals get signed really slowly, which means that trade deals are slow and we’re MISSING OUT on the FREE TRADE because of the UNELECTED Eurocrats. This means that the European parliament is bad – though it’s not all bad, because Nigel Farage regularly SLAMS EUROCRATS within it. I enjoy watching these videos and commenting on them under my username “BrexitKnight02”. Second of all, technocracy is bad because it STIFLES parliamentary SOVEREIGNTY which stops us from being able to make our own laws, and this means mostly that UNELECTED Eurocrats can make our laws for us, and so that means that they force their cultural marxism on us in the form of laws. Miss Thatcher, bless her name, managed to get a rebate for us but that doesn’t apply to LAWS created by UNELECTED Eurocrats which is stifled anyway by mountains of RED TAPE. We know that extractive institutions are ones where they are UNELECTED and therefore BAD because the WILL OF THE PEOPLE cannot be expressed. The BRITISH PEOPLE have no input into the RED TAPE of the laws that are FORCED UPON us by EUROCRATS. Therefore, we must leave the EU and restore our SOVEREIGNTY. I’ve already discussed this above, but the EU is fundamentally composed of bodies which are UNELECTED and as such changing such technocratic governance is impossible. This wouldn’t be so bad if it was nice British technocracy like the house of lords, with clever people in it. We should put Nigel Farage in the House of Lords. I think that he would SPEAK TRUTH to the REMOANERS there. The House of Lords also doesn’t have very many brown people in it. Make of that what you will. The EU was also incredibly DISMISSIVE of David Cameron when he came to renegotiate the TREATIES that made up the JOINING when the people were DUPED by LIARS into joining this profoundly undemocratic institution. This shows us that the UK will not get a GOOD deal when it joined and it cannot accept Schengen because that means that we would have to accept the Euro being foisted upon us. Furthermore, we accepted the Lisbon Treaty with NO referendum, which means that the voice of the PEOPLE cannot be heard and we CANNOT KNOW if they would have accepted it, because the WILL of the PEOPLE was denied. This shows us that we cannot trust the government to stop the EUROCRATS FORCING laws upon us. Multiple INFLUENTIAL figures have said that the goal of the EU in its end is FULL union, creating a UNITED states oF EurOPE. This would entail a loss of sovereignty so total and final we could never take back the FREEDOM from the EU and it would be akin to creating an EUSSR. The EU is fundamentally a SELFISH organisation, and therefore it restricts trade deals to WITHIN the UNION, forcing COUNTRIES THAT WANT TO MAKE THEIR OWN TRADE DEALS TO ACCEPT arbitrary REGULATIONS with it – and also DROWN them in red tape, because they have to negotiate with ALL 27 OF the EU countries, which means that it is very slow, because the EUROCRATS are only concerned with their OWN welfare and are OUT OF TOUCH with the concerns of ORDINARY British PEOPLE. It is OBVIOUS that if we had to negotiate with ONLY ONE country then the RED TAPE wouldn’t exist, and we would have exactly the same amount of bargaining POWER without the EU, because they would need us far more than we needed them, which would give us a STRONG HAND in negotiating with other countries. Our FREEDOM to negotiate trade deals is SORELY limited with the EUROCRATS at the helm, and not our OWN parliament. Therefore, we cannot allow this PROFOUNDLY UNDEMOCRATIC and PROTECTIONIST organisation which is run by the VERY experts the BRITISH PEOPLE are TIRED OF to continue to control all the affairs within the country. It is ABSURD that UNELECTED Eurocrats in Belgium control the UK. We didn’t WIN world war TWO by ourselves for this. The Belgians should have fought harder if they wanted to control US like THIS. We must LIBERATE ourselves from these TECHNOCRATIC shackles. WITHOUT the EU we would be able to negotiate GOOD deals with other countries without control from BRUSSELS and therefore we would be able to TRADE with all the other countries that we cannot while we’re in the UNDEMOCRATIC EU. The imposition of TARIFFS from Brussels hurts us, and we must absolutely do our utmost to avoid it, which we can only do by TAKING BACK CONTROL. We ABSOLUTELY MUST be able to CONTROL our OWN affairs. The EU also stops us from imposing controls on IMMIGRANTS coming into this country. I absolutely have nothing against migrants who come to this country legally and WORK for the BENEFIT of NATIVE british people, but unfortunately the vast majority of migrants who COME INTO THIS COUNTRY under the EU DO NOT WORK and leach off of HARD working BRITS. As well as this, the sheer number of immigrants who come into this country is unsustainable. One cannot both have the NHS and so many immigrants coming into the country, especially when it is already stretched to breaking point by SCROUNGERS who refuse to work and just take the taxes of REGULAR PEOPLE. We need to LEAVE and take back control and give the 350 MILLION to the NHS, so it can cope with the INFLUX of immigrants coming into this country. Once again, I’m absolutely not racist. As well as this, I know that I’ve ranted about this a lot before, but the EU stops the DEMOCRATICALLY elected parliament from exercising CONTROL over the country and so it stops the WILL OF THE PEOPLE being obeyed. This is bad because it promotes racist ideas and so people vote for insane parties like the BNP. I, as a classic liberal stand against and deplore all racism, and so we need to show the people who are economically anxious because they have been deprived of their jobs by immigrants undercutting them that the PARLIAMENT has complete and total control over the country, not some unelected EUROCRATS in BRUSSELS controlling the country from outside it. This is PROFOUNDLY undemocratic. I happily campaigned for and voted Leave because I feel that the ORDINARY people of this country are SICK AND TIRED of this LYING by politicians to us over the matter of the EU, and we must end this now before it gets worse and integration becomes closer and closer until eventually the EU and UK are RULED by Brussels. When David CAMERON decided to call the referendum, he made a statement to the british people, a promise. He broke a lot of his promises in the past, but this is one that cannot be denied. He said that he, to the British people, would offer a referendum, in or out. Since the referendum, which WE won by the SWEEPING margin of 2%, giving us the DEMOCRATIC mandate he, and other UNPATRIOTIC Remoaners like him have gone back on their promises. They have tried to weasel out of their PROMISES that the BRITISH people voted for. I therefore call upon every freedom and democracy loving person of this Earth to take a stand against the Remoaners of the world. We are in the majority, and the voice of the PEOPLE was expressed RESOUNDINGLY on the day on which we gained our INDEPENDENCE from the EU. We must demonstrate that we are DIFFERENT from the UNELECTED technocrats in Brussels who IGNORE the WILL of the PEOPLE. Holding a second referendum, like REMOANERS suggest would be a perversion of the WILL OF THE PEOPLE of the highest order, and we absolutely MUST NOT stand for it. We must RESPECT the VOICE of the people and we absolutely cannot ignore it. Whether you agree with the referendum result or not, you ABSOLUTELY MUST come forward to support this BEAUTIFUL country in getting THE BEST DEAL possible – and we will. We will walk up to the GATES of Europe, and say “Mr Barnier, we demand that you give us tariff free access to the EU. We must LEAVE the single market as DEMANDED by the PEOPLE and we must make a clean break of it. The EU needs us more than we NEED it, and so they will not hesitate. The Remoaners who talk the country down will fall away in dismay and shame for ever doubting the POWER of this great country. President Trump will make us FRONT OF THE QUEUE for a NEW DEAL with American that will be bigger and better than ever before and anything that we could have reached within the STIFLING confines of EU RED TAPE. Whatever your political leanings, you must join together in giving DAVID DAVIS the MANDATE and the STRONG HAND that he needs to get the BEST DEAL for this country. Now is the time to RESPECT the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, which CANNOT be denied through another referendum or another parliament vote. It cannot be denied through a namby-pamby soft brexit, we must make a clean break with the EU. We must act and we must do it now. Article 50 will free us from the EU and bring us into the bright sunlit uplands of the great beyond. In summary, we absolutely must leave the technocrat-dominated and ruled council of the EU, we absolutely must leave the PROTECTIONIST and RED TAPE INDUCING Single Market, we absolutely MUST leave the customs union, which is entirely useless, we absolutely MUST get the best deal for the people, we absolutely MUST NOT be like the UNPATRIOTIC remoaners who talk the country down. We must leave the EU, and we must do it yesterday. It is absolutely imperative and cannot be put off for any longer. This state of affairs MUST end.


[–] jobes Sexiest human on Phuks 1 points (+1|-0)

Is this post because you are still upset over the Brits having control over the Falklands?