>press source source source source source source source source and highlight hdmi 2

>press menu

>have to start over

>this time i'll volume up

>press menu

>try again

>this time get on hdmi 1

>ok this time

>volume down



>volume down

>hdmi 2

>press channel up

>get back onto windows

\>press source source source source source source source source and highlight hdmi 2 \>press menu \>have to start over \>this time i'll volume up \>press menu \>try again \>this time get on hdmi 1 \>ok this time \>volume down \>menu \>fuck... \>volume down \>hdmi 2 \>press channel up \>get back onto windows


[–] jobes Sexiest human on Phuks 2 points (+2|-0)

Have your parents considered sterilizing you yet? Think of the future generations.