I can prove it's me. I suck dick just as terribly as the @Mattvision from Voat. Honest!

I can prove it's me. I suck dick just as terribly as the @Mattvision from Voat. Honest!


[–] jobes Sexiest human on Phuks 2 points (+2|-0)

Prove it, dick fag

[–] Mattvision [OP] Tryin to make a change :/ 2 points (+2|-0)

Just a sec. If I didn't screw up horrifically, then your flair should be showing up in a few.

[–] Boukert LovesCock 1 points (+1|-0)

You can prove it by fixing the CSS!!!!!

Welcome aboard faggot!

@jobes this phukker demands authority!

[–] Mattvision [OP] Tryin to make a change :/ 1 points (+1|-0)

I shan't disappoint!

[–] Boukert LovesCock 1 points (+1|-0)

only sub Owners can invite atm, so we will have to wait forour god and saviour @jobes himself to get down off his throne!