[–] TheRedArmy 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

The following is a paid advertisement for Regressives for America.

Warning! Are you a citizen of a white supremacist nation?

These are the signs your nation is a white supremacy country -

  • capitalism
  • democracy
  • freedom (particularly for LGBTs, women, minorities), including not being thrown off buildings, stoned to death, set on fire, etc
  • first-world living conditions

Contact your congressman/Parliament today, and demand an end to these white supremacist activities!

Know the signs! These are the signs of a proponent of white supremacy -

  • engages in rational discussion about difficult or controversial topics (literal Nazis)
  • tolerates others' points of view (Freedom of Speech = Freedom to violence with words)
  • enjoys celebrating others' cultures (cultural appropriation)

If anyone you know exhibits any of the above activities, they could be A Nazi. Contact your local community organizers (who are well-trained in gender studies and african-american studies), who will organize a mob to harass and injure these people ASAP. Help America become like these other fine nations -

And other wonderful centrally organized countries.

Don't be a Nazi! Demand the means of production today! Demand no offensive speech today!

Demand Totalitarianism today!

This message brought to you by Regressives for America.