- Sell debt as the solution to everything. Can't afford it now? Get a loan. A little short this month but you're good next? Credit cards.
- Invest in the companies who provide credit (debt).
- Promote rampant consumerism
- Push debt forgiveness for the debt they sold as the solution to everything.
- Sell, sell, sell before the credit companies crash.
My dad was an abusive POS but one thing he had right all those years ago:
there are more and more people with their hands out looking for free **** thinking that the world owes them something. And they'll take everything from you and destroy anything they can if it means they'll get something for free.
If my dad were still alive, he'd keel over seeing all of these entitled morons screaming for "free housing, free school, free medical, free everything and make the rich man pay for it!"
Thank you for coming to my Ted Rant.