[–] smallpond 2 points (+2|-0)

Sure, so by that flawed logic all Christians are child-molesters because they support the religion, and their efforts to fight child-abuse by a tiny minority of priests aren't obvious. Muslims are as diverse as Christians, you get all sorts.

[–] ScorpioGlitch -1 points (+0|-1)

That's exactly what I'm saying. If Christians (okay, fine, Catholics) cared, they would be flaying these child molesters all over the place.

But they aren't.

And every tithe, offering, and service they render to the Church supports it.

They are 100% just as responsible.

[–] smallpond 0 points (+0|-0)

Nah, that makes no sense. We do not have time to properly educate ourselves on every crime committed by a small minority of every group that we might passively support, let alone actively fight against all such crimes, or (just as impractically) withdraw our support from all such groups.

By your logic, you should really be actively fighting most countries and large corporations, because there is no shortage of blood on their hands and their crimes are only going to multiply in coming years. I suppose you're more concerned about UK police incompetence regarding Muslim rape gangs, basically because you're told to. Rape gangs are bad, but the world has much bigger problems.

In case it actually needs to be said, of course many Muslims condemn child-molestation and fight against it. However, expecting them to completely abandon their religion because of the actions of a small group of criminals is deluded, and if you examine your own life, you'll likely find it's hypocritical as well.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

We do not have time to properly educate ourselves on every crime committed

Child molestation and suicide bombing take too long to be educated on, got it.

By your logic, you should really be actively fighting most countries and large corporations, because there is no shortage of blood on their hands and their crimes are only going to multiply in coming years

I do when I can though not with violence. A company is an abstract concept... what, exactly, are you going to assault in these companies? The board of directors? Share holders? No, you attack their revenue.

Activism and speaking out is still more than muslims or Christians do against those radicals/idiots.

of course many Muslims condemn child-molestation and fight against it

Are you flipping serious right now? Mohammed was a child molester. They literally worship him.

if you examine your own life, you'll likely find it's hypocritical as well

I examine it every day and make changes as I find such things.