[–] PhunkyPlatypus 2 points (+3|-1)

I really don't understand this shit anymore. Regardless where you fall, what he did was out of line for the president.

[–] revmoo 0 points (+0|-0)

Regardless where you fall

No fuck that. People like me have a disagreement with people like you. I'm not going to be convinced that there is some moral issue I'm failing to get. I want my team to win and I'm extremely happy with the foreign policy I've seen so far. The time to decide that is at the ballot box.

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 0 points (+0|-0)

So if obama had done something in a similar regard, you would have no issue with that?

[–] revmoo 1 points (+1|-0)

That's the problem. Obama did TONS of things like that. Sending pallets of cash to an enemy, letting his Secretary of State receive millions of dollars to her slush fund in exchange for sketchy deals with Russia, hell, what about signing into law the legalization of propaganda against American citizens?

This is the most astounding part about the whole thing. I can point to widespread corruption in every element of the DNC and nobody even gives a shit. And then along with that, ALL of their candidates have failed to put forward any real ideas to advance an agenda that improves the lives of Americans.

So you have a party that is openly corrupt, lacks any concrete agenda for what they would do differently once given power, on any issue, and is actively and repeatedly attempting to overthrow our elected government. All of the obvious, in-your-face lawlessness on the Democratic side isn't even justified, it's IGNORED in favor of the impeachment fever dream of the week. It's utter absurdity and it's fomenting righteous anger on the right.