[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

I really hope I dont come off as a dick here

No, this is why I like you (I'm the one that invited you to this site in the first place). You're actually arguing that I may have been trusting disinformation and sticking to that. I have no proof on the Lucitania and come to think of it, I heard about it from an Alex Jones podcast and didn't do my due diligence to research it more. Is it likely still valid? Yes and no, I just never even finished that thought hence my entire revoltion to my comment saying it had torpedoes lol. I truly do believe they weren't innocent, but we'll never know.

As for Pearl Harbor, I think that book is still in my Dad's basement. It's well over a decade old and they're trying to clean to sell the house so I hope it's still there. The idea that maybe those indicators happened but gross negligence occurred vs gross corruption to enter a war is a good question for all of the questions around PH

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Why thank you I take that as quite a compliment. Especially these days when debates quickly turn uncivilized. (I also forgot that was you all that time ago)

I too often bring up half remembered, possibly unverified, likely crossed with another incident sort of stuff a lot.

Regarding the lusitania. I suspect that at most churchill tempted the germans to sink it on some way. Otherwise it was an un notable ship amongst dozens or hundreds.

At that time period we were profiting madly from the allies in terms of munitions. I've been registering to Dan Carlins Hardcore history series on ww1 and he covered this incident and time period. (Highly recommended)

As for pearl harbor (and by extension 9/11) I recall a famous quote that goes something like "never attribute to malice, that which can easily be explained by ineptitude" I try to keep that in mind when exploring conspiracy theories.

Regardless of the circumstances, all these incidents have been used to justify the US going to war. I dont believe the attacks were allowed to occur. But anyone would be foolish to think that they weren't used politically to their fullest extent to achieve a means that those in power already wanted.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

"never attribute to malice, that which can easily be explained by ineptitude"

That is a fantastic quote.

I've been registering to Dan Carlins Hardcore history series on ww1

Do you have to pay for that? Would be great to listen to on my drives

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

I'm not sure how that corrected to register, when it should say listening.

IIRC The whole 80 episode series is available for purchase for like $50. Which considering each episode is like 2.5 hours or more, isn't a bad deal.

However I've been listening to the few free episodes available on spotify.

Blueprints for armageddon part 1