[–] Kannibal [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

he hasn't been FBI director for a while now. . .

FBI director shouldn't let political stances dictate policy or announcements or flows of work

I can agree with this. what happens when the President wants precisely this (choose the appropriate villain as it suits you.)?

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

His responsibility is to the law, not the president, not a party.

[–] Kannibal [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

so if the president finds this inconvenient, what happens?

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0)

He can do whatever he wants. He literally fired Comey while Comey was out of town on business and had to buy his own flight back. Comey only learned about it via the news.

He fired him in one of the worst ways possible without additional planning to make it worse. Nothing happened to Trump.