Just because something doesn't immediately impact you doesn't mean it should be allowed.
The notion that because something doesn't directly effect you, therefore it should be allowed, is a delusion pushed by Libertarians to promote their degenerate lifestyle and activities. If it was each to their own, our entire society would collapse alongside the benefits of widespread prosperity, law and order, liberty. This is a dangerous situation for everyone involved. Looting would be allowed, stealing, murder, riots, kidnapping, child rape. None of those DIRECTLY impact me. Should they still be allowed? Absolutely not.
Libertarians fail to factor in the entire consequences of their actions. They view it from a one-dimensional perspective of direct impact to another individual. They ideologically refuse to factor in the greater impact of their actions and the impact it'll have on society. The financial cost, economic, productivity, societal, familial, emotional.
At the end of the day, your general welfare depends on your family. The nuclear family is vital to a functional society. Libertarians ultimately don't care about the nuclear family. They support gay marriage. They believe in removing the age of consent. They don't believe in IQ. They want kids hooked on drugs -- not having a relationship with God or getting an education. But hey! If it doesn't harm me, it should be allowed, even though it'll fuck up their lives and have a greater affect on their family and their own progeny if they were to reproduce.
If I see someone with mangled guts hanging out of their stomach, should they just be left to die on the streets or should have society had the rules to prevent such a thing preemptively by having the familial, religious, greater community structures in place to prevent such a thing? Now, someone with mangled guts hanging out of their stomach doesn't directly impact me. Indirectly, it will. I could get PTSD from witnessing it. I will have to pay for their healthcare. They use up a hospital bed that could go to someone who uses it. Someone will have to clean up their blood. These are all consequences of actions that Libertarians seem to fail to grasp.
At the end of the day, we need rules and regulations. People need to directed and put into their place. If they don't know their place, they will go off to become trannies or do drugs. People need guidance from their church. People need to support their families and provide for their kids. Every prosperous society in the world has had law and order. Laws and "stepping in" is instrumental to our state functioning.
Sounds like a copypasta