[–] Owlchemy 2 points (+2|-0) 7 years ago

I agree. From what I understand, no one's ever been successfully prosecuted under the Logan Act which makes his actions illegal. But this is a gross violation of that law ... and the bastard has no damn business interfering with the legitimately elected government of the US no matter who he once was.

I'd also pull his security clearance immediately. He's thumbing his nose in the face of the Republic and acting as the Sec of State of a defacto government in exile. This is a true swamp rat ... the swamp acting as a government unto itself, above and beyond the legitimate one in place to defend the DC elites and their agenda.

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0) 7 years ago

I've never understood why people keep their clearances after leaving office. It should be automatically revoked the day they leave, regardless of who they are.

[–] Owlchemy 2 points (+2|-0) 7 years ago

I agree. I see no problem in them keeping it for a short time, in case they need to help whoever is transitioning into their old job, but then they should be dropped. It's part of the problem in DC. These people never move on with their lives like the rest of us are forced to do. Anyone else, the day they leave their job, they also lose their clearance.

[–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago

That hits at the heart of the issue: a double standard and second set of rules. It really shouldn't be tolerated.