[–] Kannibal [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) 7 years ago

unfortunately there are a lot of people who will only remember the disinfo, and accept that as the truth.

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0) 7 years ago Edited 7 years ago

That's what news outlets count on nowadays. So if someone says that these places are not lying (since they issued a correction or retraction) they are technically correct. But way back, storytellers (bards, druids, etc) held a power over even kings because they would tell a story about said king and true or not, these were the stories which everyone heard. In other words, targeted propaganda.

[–] Kannibal [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) 7 years ago

donald depends in this too,

all those interviews where he said things that embarrass him now.? He now says they were "doctored"

[–] ScorpioGlitch 0 points (+0|-0) 7 years ago

You wanna know what everyone who's either blind or just wants to aggravate everyone else is going to say?

Of course it's doctored. They didn't release the raw interview. And you know for a fact that news outlets will twist interviewees' words around to say the sad story they want when the interviewee was really just happy.

All very Microsoftian: technically correct but either useless or wrong.