It's really crazy how long they hang on. Look at John McCain for example, instead of retiring and enjoying the last years of his life, he holds onto the position till he dies.
That's nuts. There is something wrong with that.
I agree. And I guess it's always been that way. But most people look to retire so they can spend time with their grandkids, go fishing, travel ... not these folks. It surely isn't the money, they have more than anyone needs (though it's obvious some folks never have enough). I guess they really believe they're that important that the country can't live without them, yet as most know, none one is truly irreplaceable.
Giant egos on a powertrip--literally the worst kind of people for these positions, yet this is what we routinely get. Why can't we put in place laws to keep these psychopaths out of power or at least mitigate the harm cause by them when they do get in power?
It doesn't look like he does a damn thing, except go on a rare trip where he rails against such societal evils as pot. I'm an older guy myself, not near as old as he is, but even I have no heartburn with legalizing pot across the country. Hell, that's serious old school stuff to fight against something so benign. Yet that's all the guy seems to stand for, beyond that, nothing.
Like so many in DC, Sessions is far too old and should have retired ages ago. Ginsburg is another ... they're addicted to the power and money and simply won't move on until they die in office. A hellva waste of a life IMHO.