[–] Kannibal [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Most place I am aware of have voting locations in each town.

so to have to travel two or three towns over, when you usually only go to you own local schools and market is hassle.

If you lived in NYC, would you like to have to travel to Long Island to vote? or even another borough?

instead of a 5 or 10 minute trip. it's now a half hour trip plus the hassle of parking.

shenanigans, indeed.

if 5 or 10% of the people say fuckit, that might be enough to tip the results.

Now we add the rural folks who walk to town because they don't have a car. or take a bus.

you have just double or tripled the travel time.

I wonder if the county bus schedule will get "readjusted" as well.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

So basically it's the government's job to make it super convenient. We wouldn't want people to have to make an actual effort.

[–] Kannibal [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

This is a case to the government making things less convenient for people.

This is not a case of asking the government to put in more facilities. They are taking them away.

Avoiding the hassle of "the government's job to make it super convenient" is not the same as "let's make it less convenient for a lot of folks".

The government is not being asked to add things. They have announced they are taking things away. This is not the same thing.

And after all, what is all this noise about government serving the people. Who do they think they are?

And who cares if they inconvenience a few hundred or a few thousand people? Who do they think they are?

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)

I think you need to look at how many people these centers are serving and the ability to staff them. If only a hundred people are using the center over a 12 hour voting day it seems reasonable to condense the center with another.

The ADA thing seems scetchy.