Guy fought against his own family. Fought against Hitler. Not a decent bloke by your standards. The only member of his family that stood against his family... Supposedly Hitler's descendants never bred b/c of shame. Here's a "hitler" that did something and wasn't an apologetic cunt. Your response... Ree still hitler got any "yo mama" jokes?
Ok, so if you want to put a real conversation into play here are my two bits:
On one hand, yes this guy was an interesting character to have stood against his own family name. He not only stood against his own family name, but against the name of one of the world's most [insert adjective of choice] characters.
So yea, he's got moxie. Got the gusto, if ye will.
But the point I was referring to in specific was how in the beginning, before he decided to go against his uncle, he went asking him for handouts. Thats right boomer, your good guy in this scenario was pissed off that his uncle wouldn't give him better jobs in Germany. So he decided to fucking oppose him.
At least do some research on this shit before you post about it.
Sure did, with being born a million fuckin years before me. Got any other good comebacks, grandpa?