[–] PMYA 3 points (+3|-0)

I'm confused as to how you think this counts Russia out. It is known that the security surrounding US elections is not great, so it is no surprise that it was simple for them to gain access.

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

I think the biggest turn off about the Russia Story is that it's a "boy that cried wolf" situation. They've created a boogeyman and by screeching "Russia" at every turn they've lost credibility. I have no doubts Russia tries to influence our elections. I'm sure they did it in 2008/2012. I'm sure they did in 2016. It's just what other nation states do. We do it as well to allies and enemies. The real truth of this news story that never gets pointed out is this is just what other nations clandestine agencies do. This is some cold war level paranoia where some people think there's a Russian lurking in every shadow. It can't "always be Russia".

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 7 points (+7|-0)

I think "injection" was missing from that sentence. They use it elsewhere in the article but not there for some reason.

An SQL injection is a pretty common tool for websites with lax security. And jesus christ I would hate to be the one to have to explain what that was to a bunch of slack jawed computer illiterate baby boomers.


[–] PhunkyPlatypus 2 points (+2|-0)

Yeah, the devil is in the details. But it seems like you're making a mountain out of a molehill. It's not like they omitted "injection" from the entire article.

It's tiny to people who know what SQL is, what an injection attack is. But for people who have never even heard the word "database," they're equating "database" with hacking and that anyone outside of a special select few should never know that it exists. It adds to the confusion and controversy. For a nontech person, this IS a big thing.