Instead of increasing the price for EUFaggots, Trump thinks it is a good idea to tax the fuck out of them and send yet another American company overseas.
After promising to bring American companies home.
Look, I got duped too, but if you still support this traitor at this point, you should be shot as the traitor you are.
A single .22 cal rimfire bullet is all Trump supporters are worth. If that.
They are increasing sales in Europe.
Instead of increasing the price for EUFaggots, Trump thinks it is a good idea to tax the fuck out of them and send yet another American company overseas.
After promising to bring American companies home.
Look, I got duped too, but if you still support this traitor at this point, you should be shot as the traitor you are.
A single .22 cal rimfire bullet is all Trump supporters are worth. If that.
They are increasing sales in Europe.
Instead of increasing the price for EUFaggots, Trump thinks it is a good idea to tax the fuck out of them and send yet another American company overseas.
After promising to bring American companies home.
Look, I got duped too, but if you still support this traitor at this point, you should be shot as the traitor you are.
A single .22 cal rimfire bullet is all Trump supporters are worth. If that.