[–] PMYA 0 points (+1|-1)

Not wanting guns in the country has nothing to do with ethnicity. I don't want guns in the UK because it will lead to more murders, plain and simple.

This does not necessarily mean I would advocate scrapping gun ownership in the US though, as it would be impractical to do so.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

FBI crime statistics don't show that. It would be impractical in the US as we collectively have more guns than citizens so I agree on that point. 13% of our population commits over half of all violent crimes and murders. You can easily cut that number down by excluding, most women, children and black men of a certain age. The reality is 6% of the population commits half of all murders and violent crimes. In areas w/ strict gun control like Chicago you only see one trend. Criminals still have guns and get prosecuted lightly by liberal politicians b/c to do otherwise would be "racist". If you really want to see something interesting in our crime stats we don't classify "gang related" crimes as mass shootings even when they meet the criteria of people killed. Therefore they never make national news. Sweden does much the same thing interestingly but in a different way. "Gang Related" crime isn't terrorism.


Crazy we hardly have any grenade attacks in the US w/ a massively larger population. Sweden doesn't have a "terrorism" problem. It's illegal to collect racial crime stats there. In the US they simply combine "white hispanics" w/ the white figures. I could show you an endless array of "white" convicts that are actually hispanic.

There are good people in the world of every race and religion. Pretending certain groups as a whole aren't more inclined to murder and violence is absurd when the data always indicates otherwise. It's like saying a labrador is as likely to kill you as a pitbull. They're both dogs.

[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)

Statistics on states with restrictive gun laws are not the same as countries with those laws. You can't expect guns to stay out of Chicago when they are present everywhere else. The UK is in a far better position to enforce gun control than any US state, and probably more so than most other European countries. Australia is another country with gun law restrictions, and whilst I have no idea what the actual statistics are over there, I'd be willing to bet gun ownership is a lot lower than states in the US with gun control due to their isolated nature.

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+1|-1)

It's easier to do in the UK sure. Who protects you from the govt. though? Count Dankula made an bad joke on youtube and got punished for it. Guy gets murdered in a mostly muslim prison for leaving a bacon sandwich outside a mosque. Tommy Robinson gets arrested for reporting on Muslim pedophiles. Meanwhile I can find pictures of Muslims in London waving ISIS flags. Seems to me the UK is very specific w/ whom they punish. The UK has roughly 1/6th of our population yet you have a machete attack every 90 minutes?


[–] revmoo 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

I want my government to fear the people it serves. Between that, the personal defense angle, and the freedom side of it, we have more than enough reason to want guns to be legal here. And don't go on about "What are you going to to against an M1 Abrams tank?!?!!?!" Because you don't occupy a place by bombing it into a parking lot, you do it with boots on the ground, and I want those boots to be met with violent resistance if they are in our neighborhoods in support of a fascist US government or dictator. You can say it can't ever happen but there are countless examples throughout history where countries have been taken over.

By the way, I do find it amusing how you have a group of people calling Trump a dictator or the next Hitler but in the same breath they want to give up their rights to defend themselves from such things.