This author makes a great beginning of the article, and then utterly misses the entire point, deciding to declare Donald J. Trump is the demagogue, while ignoring the larger picture that is at the crux of identity politics.

A demagogue divides rather than unites us. This is done by taking the fluid and accidental differences among people and transforming them into fixed, absolute concepts, such as race and gender, rich and poor, smart and dumb.

This is the complete and sole strategy of the two parties. Democrats want to divide on race, gender, who you fuck, and class (those evil 1%!). Republicans want to divide on religion, origin (immigration status or country of origin), workplace (union v non-union), and geography (Left coasters, etc).

Of all the people out there, Trump's words are the LEAST divisive of any politician since GHWB, imo, who I view as a milquetoast of epic proportions. Not that you would get that form the media coverage, who are, in actuality, the ones who are doing the dividing.