[–] cyclops1771 2 points (+2|-0)

Bob DeNiro may be a good actor, but he is a degenerate drug and woman abuser who needs to just act and stay out of politics. If Bobby really wants to get into politics, go run for mayor of some city, or state senator, or even House or Senate. It'snot like he doesn't have the money.

The reason he doesn't is that his sordid past would be drug up (hehe) and displayed for all to see. His kind of shenanigans may be OK in Hollywood circles, but not OK for politicians.

So, instead of being transparent in his beliefs, he chooses to hide behind the Hollywood curtain of silence and virtue signal to his fellow leftist Hollywood types. You'd think a guy as talented as he is wouldn't be so shallow to need the adoration of his fellow actors, but if he had any self-esteem, he probably wouldn't be a glory-seeking Hollywood actor to begin with.