If you include the millions of dead/illegal votes that somehow magically appeared to vote for Bill Clinton's wife.

[–] PhunkyPlatypus -1 points (+1|-2)

Oh yeah totally forgot about them.

Isn't Trump investigating That? How's that going? Im sure they've found dozens of instances so far.

They're sure to find the other millions.

Hmm just weird how states have more registered voters than their are voting age adults, but I'm sure its just us crazy right wing conspirators and our tinfoil hats getting bad reception. Even your beloved washington post agreed. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jun/19/noncitizen-illegal-vote-number-higher-than-estimat/

And with such a small margin of victory reported by Bill Clinton's wife (in-terms of popular vote) the margin of error that exist is not in her favor.