1. So I've created https://phuks.mydomain.com and after working around with it, I run the npm run build && killall -HUP gunicorn and everything is built OK. However, the site still points to a sample index.html that I initially created when creating the subdomain. Even after deleting the index.html file, it still points to that file. What do I need to do here? I've tried redis-cli FLUSHALL but that also doesn't work. Are there any cache files that I need to delete? Where?

  2. OR do I need to make any changes to files like config.py? Besides this, are there any other files I need to look at? Here's how my config.py file looks like.

""" This is the config file. Pretty obvious, right? """

import os

\#Site title

LEMA = "*MySite*: Share and discuss"

\#Copyright notice, used in the footer

COPY = "2019 *MySite*. All Rights Reserved."


DB_HOST = 'localhost'

DB_USER = 'root'

DB_PASSWD = 'somepassword'

DB_NAME = 'throat2'


DATABASE_URL = 'mysql://{0}:{1}@localhost/{2}'.format(DB_USER, DB_PASSWD, DB_NAME)

\#Method used to memoize stuff.

CACHE_TYPE = 'simple'

\#Only used if CACHE_TYPE is 'redis'.




\#The Redis that we use for SocketIO. This must be the same for all instances


\#Secret key used to encrypt session cookies. CHANGE THIS

SECRET_KEY = '\x80\x9b\x0ce\xe2\xb8\x04\xb9\x99\xa3\x13\xf7+K\xf6\xdf"\xbf\xfb\x82\x96\xc9\xda\x8e'

\#wtforms settings. Set to False to disable CSRF



\#Sengrid API key, only used to send password recovery emails


SENDGRID_DEFAULT_FROM = "[email protected]"

\#Recaptcha credentials



\#This is the path thumbnails will be stored on

THUMBNAILS = "./thumbs"

\#This is the domain where the thumbnails are hosted on. Can be an absolute path too.

THUMBNAIL_HOST = "https://dev.*MySite*.co/t/"

\#THUMBNAIL_HOST = "/static/thumbnails"

\#Same as above but for file storage (Used for user and sub file uploads)

STORAGE = "./stor"

STORAGE_HOST = "https://dev.*MySite*.co/i/"

\#SID of changelog sub (used to display last changelog entry on the sidebar)

CHANGELOG_SUB = '9a79b49e-7bd3-4535-8ad6-ba11fc1d0ef5'

\#Only for debugging and testing:

DEBUG = False

TESTING = False \#This makes all the captchas valid

\#Address of the socketio server. If it's left empty socketio will attempt to connect

\#to /socket.io.


\#Max content-length accepted by the server

MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = (1024 * 1024) * 10 \#10MB limit

\#Prefix for subs. Must always start with /.


1. So I've created https://phuks.mydomain.com and after working around with it, I run the `npm run build && killall -HUP gunicorn` and [everything is built OK](https://i.imgur.com/mHPBi7R.png). However, the site still points to a sample index.html that I initially created when creating the subdomain. Even after deleting the index.html file, it still points to that file. What do I need to do here? I've tried `redis-cli FLUSHALL` but that also doesn't work. Are there any cache files that I need to delete? Where? 2. OR do I need to make any changes to files like config.py? Besides this, are there any other files I need to look at? Here's how my config.py file looks like. === `""" This is the config file. Pretty obvious, right? """` `import os` `\#Site title` `LEMA = "*MySite*: Share and discuss"` `\#Copyright notice, used in the footer` `COPY = "2019 *MySite*. All Rights Reserved."` `\#XXX: LEGACY - FIX EVERYTHING AND REMOVE THIS BLOCK` `DB_HOST = 'localhost'` `DB_USER = 'root'` `DB_PASSWD = 'somepassword'` `DB_NAME = 'throat2'` `\#peewee` `DATABASE_URL = 'mysql://{0}:{1}@localhost/{2}'.format(DB_USER, DB_PASSWD, DB_NAME)` `\#Method used to memoize stuff.` `CACHE_TYPE = 'simple'` `\#Only used if CACHE_TYPE is 'redis'.` `CACHE_REDIS_HOST = ''` `CACHE_REDIS_PORT = 6379` `CACHE_REDIS_DB = 5` `\#The Redis that we use for SocketIO. This must be the same for all instances` `SOCKETIO_REDIS_URL = 'redis://'` `\#Secret key used to encrypt session cookies. CHANGE THIS` `SECRET_KEY = '\x80\x9b\x0ce\xe2\xb8\x04\xb9\x99\xa3\x13\xf7+K\xf6\xdf"\xbf\xfb\x82\x96\xc9\xda\x8e'` `\#wtforms settings. Set to False to disable CSRF` `WTF_CSRF_ENABLED = True` `WTF_CSRF_SECRET_KEY = SECRET_KEY` `\#Sengrid API key, only used to send password recovery emails` `SENDGRID_API_KEY = ""` `SENDGRID_DEFAULT_FROM = "[email protected]"` `\#Recaptcha credentials` `RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY = "6Lf4xHIUAAAAAFCqMveyHfpE5tccaWrDjv9tKIQc"` `RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY = "6Lf4xHIUAAAAACqZYmEGxIdhlPg_OCVkCTK52LkM"` `\#This is the path thumbnails will be stored on` `THUMBNAILS = "./thumbs"` `\#This is the domain where the thumbnails are hosted on. Can be an absolute path too.` `THUMBNAIL_HOST = "https://dev.*MySite*.co/t/"` `\#THUMBNAIL_HOST = "/static/thumbnails"` `\#Same as above but for file storage (Used for user and sub file uploads)` `STORAGE = "./stor"` `STORAGE_HOST = "https://dev.*MySite*.co/i/"` `\#SID of changelog sub (used to display last changelog entry on the sidebar)` `CHANGELOG_SUB = '9a79b49e-7bd3-4535-8ad6-ba11fc1d0ef5'` `\#Only for debugging and testing:` `DEBUG = False` `TESTING = False \#This makes all the captchas valid` `\#Address of the socketio server. If it's left empty socketio will attempt to connect` `\#to /socket.io.` `WEBSOCKET_SERVER = ''` `\#Max content-length accepted by the server` `MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH = (1024 * 1024) * 10 \#10MB limit` `\#Prefix for subs. Must always start with /.` `SUB_PREFIX = "/s"`


[–] E-werd 1 points (+1|-0) Edited
  1. Yes! There is this start.sh script in /var/www/dev.mysite.co/public_html. Replace /"home/app with /var/www/dev.mysite.co/public_html ?

OK, so you have the whole script that I have then. Is your main site in /home/app/throat? Is the contents of that directory what you copied to /var/www/dev.mysite.co/public_html? If so, make sure you're making another copy of this script for the dev site and then change that second-to-last line (starting with cd) to reflect that new directory.

I'm not 100% sure what everything above the cd command is doing. I don't see the HOME, USER, and PATH variables being used elsewhere in this script and it may not actually be doing anything. I don't know enough about that script yet, the person that gave it to you might be able to shed more light on it. Try what I suggested first and see what happens. ¯\(ツ)

[–] curious [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Is your main site in /home/app/throat?

Yes Sir! The main site is in /home/app/throat

Is the contents of that directory what you copied to /var/www/dev.mysite.co/public_html?

Yes again, good Sir!

If so, make sure you're making another copy of this script for the dev site and then change that second-to-last line (starting with cd) to reflect that new directory.


export HOME="/home/app"
export USER="app"
export PATH="/home/app/.pyenv/bin:$PATH"
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
eval "$(pyenv virtualenv-init -)"
cd /var/www/dev.charcha.co/public_html
gunicorn -w 1 wsgi:app --error-logfile error.log --worker-class eventlet --bind

Try what I suggested first and see what happens. ¯(ツ)/¯

Yes Sir!

[–] E-werd 1 points (+1|-0)

I'll give you a relevant tip here.

Because of the way that pyenv works, giving you a python version from source for a user without installing it system wide, you may need your dev site to be in /home/app as well since it's the holder of that python environment. So, perhaps the main site in /home/app/throat and dev in /home/app/throat-dev.

You may or may not run into permissions issues as well, since in Ubuntu /var/www is owned by the user/group www-data:www-data. You probably needed to copy the files as root, so instead now it's owned by the user/group root:root. Furthermore, if you're running the gunicorn script from somewhere under /home/app you are probably running it as the user/group app:app which won't have relevant permissions.

I may be a little off here, but this may help you troubleshoot some issues going forward.