Incorporated business? Where? What state?

Where are the servers (or VMs) physically located?

Incorporated business? Where? What state? Where are the servers (or VMs) physically located?


[–] pembo210 8 points (+8|-0) Edited

I started the LLC in Florida last year and filed taxes and legals there. As of this year @Polsaker (Argentina) and @Boukert (The Netherlands) are also Corp Managers, but the reports and filings are all in Florida under US laws. We use four Vultr VPSs for db and app servers. I'm not sure exactly where, but somewhere in the US - https://www.vultr.com/locations/ and we also use cloudflare.

[–] chmod [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

Ok, thanks. Follow ups:

Why Florida? Taxes?

You don't know where the VPSs are? I'd recommend you ask. State laws vary.

Does Vultr also have "supreme" admin to the VPS? I assume they do as it's their hardware. I guess the question is: can Vultr staff modify Phuks without your consent?

[–] pembo210 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

I'm have a house in florida, and yes, not having state tax is big.

Polsaker actually manages the servers. We split up our duties, I have limited access. I'm not sure how much access vultr has.

I have a private physical server in the works that we can colo host soon, so we won't have to worry VPS host access. Plus we'll have a bunch more room for game servers or other fun stuff.

[–] chmod [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

I'm sorry, you have limited access??? Now I'm really confused.

Please, a little more on the organization and who does what.

[–] Polsaker 1 points (+1|-0)

The servers are physically located in NJ.

Vultr can technically do whatever they want on their servers. I don't know about the legals.